Another year here, and more to look forward to. New roles for me, and some new features to our life. New romances, new responsibilities, new things to learn. And yet still the same sorts of things to maintain and remember throughout. Staying in shape is a big one, as I seem to be getting even more inflexible of late. Kettlebell land is going strong, as I’ve been lifting twice a week without twanging my back for a year and a half now, likely the longest I’ve gone in awhile. The biggest risk I have right now is stretching too hard. It sounds dumb, but whenever I stretch my lower back too much it spasms so hard I cannot stand or sit, only writhe in pain on the ground. I must figure out how to get this muscle to relax or strengthen (likely both). But the slow road progresses for us all, small and steady I’ll make my pace until this too is a milestone in the distance.